Individual Therapy

You desire to break free…

…free from your past life experiences and current problems.

Past experiences of abuse, relational trauma, abandonment, and neglect can fuel mental illness and addiction.

You may be having family, financial, legal, career, and mood regulation problems due to your past and current behaviors.

The cycle needs to stop…

You’re ready to explore a new life of recovery.

You’re answering the call to a different, better experience, because the “old ways” just don’t work anymore.

The various measures to control, limit, or stop don’t work. You may have tried to limit time or money spent on your “fix”, sworn to yourself and others that you would quit altogether, or been unable to continue hiding your secret life.

Don’t give up and resign yourself to misery.

You can’t do this alone – you need help.

The pain gains traction and gets worse. Your old coping skills do not help.

It can be a relief, and a little scary, to admit that we need help.

I’ve worked with clients who’ve had trouble controlling their emotions, sustaining relationships, and problems because of compulsive behaviors and/or unresolved memories from the past.

I help hurting people, who are self-motivated, to apply their inner knowing, drive their recovery, and open a new world with new possibilities.

I discuss and make notes of your family history, assess and ask many questions about past traumatic or grief issues, and work with you to identify all that is blocking you in the healing process.

Call me now. (615) 925-0456

I look forward to working with you.